Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

This is my guilty pleasure, people see me do this and they think what an immature guy or gay or whatever they think of me. That's OK I'm not looking for there approval, but even still i feel embarrassed about it. When you do these kind of things you find out pretty fast who not a very good person.

I remember when i was young i was about in between the ages of seven to twelve, i would put on my moms make up and get into all of her make up and put on some of her dresses and all that other stuff. When i was young i put on my mothers lip stick and well i was playing in her cloths and some of my moms clothes were on a hanger with my dads clothes and well i ended up getting lip stick on my dads clothes and well it turned out to be a big mess later on. My mom got mad at dad and they were arguing with each other and well i didn't say anything till the next day because i was scared to get in lots of trouble. I told them what happened they said sorry to one another and everything was good between them. I got in trouble, because i didn't say anything sooner. The reason i did all of these childish things is because i wanted to see people laugh i didn't mind if it was at me i like to see people be happy but now that I'm older I'm a little more self conscious about what other people think of me, like i want to make a good first impression and then they will find out who i am, and even still to this day I'll do little things like that, but only every now and again. I like watching people laugh and i like to help my little sister with her make up and shes always wanting to put it on mom but mom doesn't really have time so I'll be a good sport and let her put it on me and then I'll go and show my grandmother to see her laugh. I love seeing my grandmother laugh, it cheers me up whenever I'm feeling down. Since last year i haven't put on make up to watch people laugh but i still put on nail polish because i like seeing peoples reactions because there always positive. I put on a bright yellow nail polish for my little cousin because she wanted to paint someones nails and everybody said no and well she wasn't having a good day but i told her i would do it, she asked me "really"? i told her yes i would do it, i told her to get the nail polish. she had fun and so did i. I got all my aunties and uncles to laugh, and well because i had nail polish on i acted immature for a little bit. It turns out i ended up leaving the nail polish on just for her and i told her "next time i see you I'm taking it off". she said "OK" with a big smile upon her face. I couldn't help but smile. i made her day and her night. she was more then happy to see nail polish on my nails.

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